Thursday, April 19, 2012

Compilation of Stuff

Basic Script:
"High in the Appalachian mountains, there sits a quiet, ordinary town."

Jeremy running down street, bad guys/monster follows

Couple of quick cuts to fights/running

Nicole - walks into house w/ group playing games "Have you guys noticed anything weird today?"
[gameplay on TV happening outside]
Morgan - "Yeah, this is like the third Coke I've had that tasted like Pepsi"

[Kate exposition voiceover some more quick fights then cut to her actually talking/petting rabbit] "Once the walls between dimensions collapse, all of reality will be mine!"

suit up in Walmart - Sydney gets one liner - slow mo team walk down aisle

Fighting - dramatic staring at each other scene - slow motion dice roll - light sabers and magic

[Hero group sitting around eating fro yo] Nissa - "You ever think our lives are less than ordinary?" [cut to ridiculous magic fighting scenes] Group - "Nah"

"A Day in the Life"

[bad guys laughing] "This is going to be fun"

Scenes Shot:
-Some fighting
-Villain exposition
-Villain laughing
-Running from bunny
-running to elevator
-running from elevator
-hallway with gate
-Villain magic scene

Scenes to shoot:
-Heavenly Mountain Fight
-FrYo scene
-Hero notices something wrong/coke tastes like pepsi
-Smurfy punches stuff
-Suit up
-slow mo walk
-Sydney's one liner ("Clean up in aisle three"? "Time to roll for initiative"? etc.)

Special Effects:
-magic missile
-force field -
-Kate's lighting thing
-demon bunny (?)

-laser fire
-game clips ("Ready? Fight!" etc.)

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